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Vegan Recipes

A round up of vegan and vegan-adaptable recipes on this blog. Bon Appétit's Sesame Tofu with Broccoli is a recent addition and I can't recommend it enough. I've lost count of how many times I've made it but I'm into my second jar of tahini, which I only use for this dish.

It struck me that I’ve been lazy with categorising recipes and I’m sitting on some decent vegan recipes, which are now tagged. My favourites, in no particular order, are:

I’ve added a new tag, ‘vegan-adaptable’, for recipes where tweaking one or two ingredients will result in the dish being vegan, such as:

I recently made Tarka Dal for a vegan friend and thought "surely this needs butter" but it really doesn't. For baking, I find that Pure sunflower spread is a good bet and doesn't have an overwhelmingly margarine-y taste to it unlike Flora dairy-free or Vitalite. I want to try Pure Dairy Free Buttery Taste spread and will update this post once I've baked with it.

Finally, another great vegan go-to that's not on this blog, is Nigella's Cauliflower and Cashew Curry. It's a Thai-Indian hybrid (I love a hybrid curry) and I made it countless times before realising that it's vegan. The recipe intro, which isn't on Nigella's website, makes me laugh because Nigella is emphatic about the recipe serving two:

"I should say that I once made this for 4 people, and nearly hyperventilated as I saw the first 2 fill up their plates, and feared how meagre the portions would be for the 2 of us remaining. Besides, you cannot in all seriousness suggest that a quarter of a cauliflower is really enough for one person's supper: this is not a vegetable accompaniment; it is the main event."

I couldn't agree more because I had exactly the same experience when I made Anna Jones's Lime and Chipotle Black Bean Tacos - another cracking vegan-adaptable recipe (once you one-and-a-half times the black bean filling).

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